We ship via Courierpost who pickup early in the morning and do not collect on Tuesday. As I work full time in another job, we like to have all orders dispatched on Monday morning and to achieve this we need to have them all packaged up by 6 pm on Sunday. Please make sure your payment reaches us in time, and if you are paying on the weekend, please ensure you send a screenshot as I will not see your payment until late Monday morning after the courier has collected.
As this is fresh produce we give authority to leave so that your product doesn't get held at courier depots longer than necessary.
Please note we now have sturdier packaging for our larger boxes (10 kg and up) which has resulted in a small increase in shipping costs. If you prefer your 10 kg and 15 boxes to be packed into multiple 5 kg boxes please ask for a quote as shipping costs are likely to be different. Also bear in mind that the packaging on the small boxes is not as sturdy so multiple boxes packaged together have a greater risk of damage, and this will be at your risk.
Prices are typically as follows:
Local Towns (e.g. Hamilton, Rotorua, Whakatane and Tauranga)
$6.50 for up to 5 kg -
$8.00 for up to 10 kg
$8.40 for up to 15 kg -
Rural - please add $4.50
Auckland to Taupo
$7.90 for up to 5 kg
$10.50 for up to 10 kg
$11.50 for up to 15 kg
Rural - please add $4.50
Rest of North Island excluding rural
$7.90 for up to 5 kg
$12 for up to 10 kg
Rural - please add $4.50
South Island excluding rural
$11.60 for up to 5 kg
$19.00 for up to 10 kg
$24.50 for up to 15 kg
Rural - please add $4.50
Rural Pricing is extra and can take longer for delivery which increases the risk in summer. Some remote destinations may be considered rural by Courierpost even if they are not considered rural by NZ Post. This includes Pegasus and some of the outskirts of Taupo.
Pickups are available for customers who have ordered from us before or who we know personally. For security reasons we do not offer this to new customers. Please keep to the agreed time for pickups. If you are delayed for any reason please notify us before the agreed time as we often plan our days around known pickup times. If for any reason we have to go out unexpectedly fruit will be left at the front door for collection. We can no longer hold windfalls for pickup customers who are unable to collect within 48 hours as we have been let down too often.